
The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on Kyrgyz migrants (from Osh) working in Russia.

Долбоордун жетекчиси:

Torokeldi kyzy Aziza

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Kyrgyz-chinese faculty

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996 776 157 318



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Изилдөөнүн кыскача аннотациясы (актуалдуулугу 200 сөздөн кем эмес): In Kyrgyzstan, migrants are considered the main source of income for their families, and many of them work in Russia. But much has changed since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The Russian- Ukrainian war affects not only native citizens, but also migrants who come to work. For example, many Kyrgyz citizens working in Russia have begun to lose their jobs since the beginning of the war because many companies have left the Russian market. The war had a significant impact on their livelihood and well-being. We see some migrants returning to Kyrgyzstan waiting for the war to end, some of them go to fight for money, and some of them learn foreign languages to go to work in more promising countries. This suggests that it is necessary to study this area in more detail to make accurate statistics. Since the return of migrants to Kyrgyzstan in large numbers can affect the economy, crime, family violence, interethnic conflict, conflict with the government, etc. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on Kyrgyz migrants in Russia and their families in targeted regions in southern Kyrgyzstan. example, many Kyrgyz citizens working in Russia have begun to lose their jobs since the beginning of the war because many companies have left the Russian market. The war had a significant impact on their livelihood and well-being. We see some migrants returning to Kyrgyzstan waiting for the war to end, some of them go to fight for money, and some of them learn foreign languages to go to work in more promising countries. This suggests that it is necessary to study this area in more detail to make accurate statistics. Since the return of migrants to Kyrgyzstan in large numbers can affect the economy, crime, family violence, interethnic conflict, conflict with the government, etc. The purpose of this study is to examine

Акыркы 5 жыл ичинде аткарган долбоорлор боюнча маалымат: 2019, c. Osh, Researcher, “Understanding the cause of cross discrimination religious women and girls in Osh”, conducted within the framework of the International Alert project

Долбоорду изилдөөнүн максаты,милдети жана объектиси: This research aims to investigate the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on Kyrgyz migrants in Russia. The study is motivated by the need to understand how conflict in neighboring countries affects migrant communities in Russia. The research objectives include examining the socio-economic conditions of Kyrgyz migrants in Russia, assessing their perceptions of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and analyzing the impact of the conflict on their everyday lives. The study will utilize a mixed-methods approach, involving desk research and fieldwork.

Долбоордун идеясын ишке ашыруу мүмкүнчүлүктөрү жана изилдөөнүн методу: To achieve the objectives of the study, a mixed-methods approach will be utilized. The data collection process will involve two main stages: desk research and fieldwork. The desk research will include a review of academic literature, media reports, and other relevant documents related to the topic. This will enable us to contextualize the research problem, identify gaps in existing research, and develop appropriate research instruments. The fieldwork stage will involve conducting in-depth interviews with Kyrgyz migrants in Russia. The participants will be selected through purposive and snowball sampling techniques. The interviews will be conducted in Russian, Kyrgyz, or a combination of both languages, depending on the preference of the participant. The interviews will be recorded with the consent of the participant and later transcribed and translated into English. The collected data will be analyzed using thematic analysis. The themes will be generated based on the research questions and objectives. We will also use statistical software such as SPSS to analyze quantitative data. The data analysis will involve both deductive and inductive approaches to ensure that the research objectives are achieved.

Долбоордун башка өзгөчөлүктөрү: this research is expected to contribute to a better understanding of the complex dynamics of conflict and migration and inform policies that promote the welfare of migrant communities in Russia.

Долбоордун темасы боюнча илимий иштердин байланышы: This study will contribute to the literature on the impact of conflict on the lives of migrants and their families. The results of the study will provide insight into the challenges faced by Kyrgyz migrants in Russia and their families in southern Kyrgyzstan and help to develop policies and practices to support their well-being and resilience. Overall, the study will help deepen understanding of the complex issues surrounding migration, conflict, and well-being in Central Asia.

Изилдөө долбоорунун натыйжасы: The study is expected to provide insight into the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on Kyrgyz migrants in Russia and their families in southern Kyrgyzstan. The study will determine the social, economic and psychological impact of the war on the well-being of Kyrgyz migrants and their families. It will also provide recommendations for policy makers and stakeholders to support Kyrgyz migrants and their families affected by the Russian-Ukrainian war.

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